1984 to 2021 it's been 36 Years of Celebrating Family Traditions.
Hosted by the Chicago Chapter of Lawrence -Spruill Family Committee, I cannot find the words to express the joy and happiness of so many family members that attend the gathering. It was a lovely family and friend’s celebration and we would like to thank the Chicago committee for a job well done.
It was thirty-one years ago when the first Lawrence-Spruill Family Reunion was held in Chicago, IL August 1984 at the downtown Chicago Marriott Hotel located at 540 North Michigan Avenue. It was a very special occasion for remembrance and celebration for all who was able to attend; it included children, cousins, aunts, uncles, wives, husband, grandparents, and friends.
Family members came from all across the United States to meet for the first time to see and meet each other and for some it was a surprise to learn that some relatives only live down the road or right around the corner from them that lived in the same city or town where they lived.
As we came together for the first time in Chicago to connect, celebrate and honor our family elders, youth and ancestor. I believe that their physical presence was not with us, and yet some way I feel that our parents, grandparents and other family members who have passed on were there with us in spirit. I remember seeing for the first time so many smiling faces that I had never seen before that day, and yet there was this feeling of closeness, it seem like I knew them.
Below is a list of the city and towns we have hosted our past family reunions in.
1. Chicago, IL 1984
2. Cin, Ohio 1985
3. L.A., Calif 1986
4. Chicago, IL 1988
5. Columbus, OH 1990
6. Birmingham, Alab 1992
7. Wash, D.C. 1994
8. Las Vegas 1996
9. Dallas, TX 1998
10. Chicago, IL 2000 (turn of century. reunion)
11. Lansing, Mich 2002
12. Baltimore, MD 2004 (20th yr. anniversary.)
13. Torrence, Calif 2006
14. Atlanta, GA 2008
15. Chicago, IL 2010
16. Las Vegas, 2012
17. Lansing, Mich 2014
18.Chicago,IL 2016
19.St.Louis,MO 2018
With the Spring and holidays season rapidly approaching every year there will be countless family gathering and celebration. There are many things to look forward to: delicious food and fun, this is an exciting time for the whole family, and these are special fun-filled times and memorable Celebrations.
With saying that let me wish each and every one of you our prayers and hope for many more blessing and happy holidays to you and your love ones.
All of the memorable reunion successes has done with the participation all the branches of the Lawrence/Spruill family, if you never have attend one of our reunions before, your present would be a warm and pleasant welcome.
The high and low, rich or poor, young and old, big and small, many beliefs, many levels of intelligence and tolerance. And there is one thing we all have in common, is our blood that binds us all together into one big family. The tree that stands tall and looks divine cannot survive without its roots.
Sometime the family tree branch becomes broken by the untimely forces of life and departs from the invisible connections and passes on to be with our forbearers.
Here are some of the reasons for having a family reunion.
(A) We gather to honor our family elders and our forbearer.
(B) To meet and visit with family, some of whom we have not met before, to establish and strengthen a family bond.
(C) To learn and become familiar with the family story so that it is passed down, Generation to Generations.
(D) To welcome new additions to the family, the family tree continues to grow with Births and marriages.
(E) Kids who grew up going to family reunions are more likely to keep an active role that can create bonds and memories with their children’s for future generation’s participations.
Inspirational Thoughts and your supports
We have always tried to have the reunion around the second weekend in August, because most children are out school at that time of the year.
With the help of each and every family member that reads this letter, and passing on this information to other members that may not be aware of the reunion or didn’t get the information by, E-mail, Facebook or by word of mouth.
Please help us with new names and addresses or if they don’t mine send there e-mail addresses also.
To have a strong family, we have to be a strong family member, and getting others to share our enthusiasm and the importance of the family, and continue to move forward and pull them in one relative at a time.
Visit this web site as often you can because we will be trying to keep you inform of the family activities in the future. That will be explain at a later
time if it be the will of god.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.